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Senior Horse Gold

Clearance 25% | Total Support for Older Horses & Ponies

(Average 5/5)
Prices from: $ 49.62 Was $ 66.16 Save 25%

All prices displayed already include 25% off the original price.

This product cannot benefit from any further discount, promo, or reduction. 

Ration Calculator

SKU Product Size Price Cost per day Days Quantity
71110 2.1 pts Bottle $ 49.62 $ Out of stock
71117 2.1 pts Bottle X 3 $ 141.40 $ Out of stock
71119 2.1 pts Bottle X 5 $ 218.31 $ Out of stock
To select quantities swipe left to right

Senior Horse is formulated to maintain and support:

  • Healthy, balanced digestion
  • A healthy heart & circulatory system
  • Supple joints and muscles
  • Liver and kidney health & function

Senior Horse Gold is a fast absorbing liquid supplement containing herbs such as hawthorn, meadowsweet and burdock and is ideal to give to the veteran horse or pony.
Ageing is a natural process and today, our seniors can maintain a good quality of life well into their 30s with the help of veterinary care and appropriate feeding, farriery and dentistry. For some horses and ponies, our Multi-Flex range might be more suitable due to its herbal formulation. Please email for further advice.

 1:3 Tinctures of

  • Milk Thistle Seed
  • Celery Seed
  • Meadowsweet Herb
  • Hawthorn Berries
  • Ginkgo Leaf
  • Chamomile Flowers
  • Rosemary Herb
  • Burdock Root

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Administer orally, we recommend splitting the daily amount between two administrations
  • Can be syringed directly into the mouth if necessary
  • Full instructions will be found on the packaging.
  • Please allow up to a month for full benefits to be seen.
  • Horse and ponies are individuals so often a lower maintenance amount will be sufficient for long-term use.

If you have any concerns about your animal's health please contact your vet immediately.  If you have any queries about using this product, or if your animal is pregnant, please contact our Helpline (Toll-free) 1 855 261 1289 or email

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) & Burdock (Arctium lappa) wine has always been a firm favourite with the country folk. Using these two readily-available plants makes sense. Burdock is known to herbalists as the 'power digger' of the herb world and is one of the best herbs for cleansing and detoxing the body. Dandelion roots are rich in vitamins and are excellent for helping support both liver and kidney function. Put these two herbs together and you not only have an inexpensive tasty drink, but also a great all-round tonic.

These testimonials are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Testimonials are written by actual customers and represent their own observations. They are not edited. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other animals.

23 year old mare is thriving on this!

- Angela Mathiesen, 17/04/2018

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