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Herbal Horse Treats

The ultimate horse treat and always a best seller!Our Herballs:

  • contain NO added sugars, molasses, artificial flavours or colourants
  • are the safe and healthy way to give your horse or pony a real 'treat
  • ideal for stretching exercises
  • perfect crushed to 'top-dress' hard feed
  • suitable for good doers and "laminitic prone horses and ponies"

These delicious treats are a firm favourite and we know a few dogs who are partial too! 

Showing 1 to 2 of 2


The Healthy Treat!
Herballs - 1.1lb Bag Front
Prices from: $ 5.70

Hilton Herbs Equine Weigh-tape

A quick and easy way to know your horse or pony's weight
Prices from: $ 9.50

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