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The ultimate calmer

(Average 5/5)
Prices from: £ 11.39

Formulated to support:

  • A calm, steady, strong nervous system
  • Stressed, nervous, over-excitable or hyperactive pets
  • Will not sedate

Animal Size

SKU Product Size Price Cost per day Days Quantity
91170 60 g Tub £ 11.39 £
91172 125 g Tub £ 21.50 £
91174 125 g Tub X 2 £ 39.16 £
91176 125 g Tub X 3 £ 56.76 £
91178 125 g Tub X 5 £ 88.16 £
To select quantities swipe left to right

Tranquility is formulated to maintain and support:

  • a calm and balanced nervous system
  • young excitable dogs whilst undergoing training
  • rescue dogs settling into a new home
  • dogs who have received previous bad treatment
  • those sensitive to loud noises or worried by travelling

Tranquility is a fine cut dry supplement containing herbs such as chamomile and valerian to provide support to the anxious or over excitable dogs.  Its liquid equivalent, Tranquility Gold, could be used initially due to its quicker absorption (we do not suggest you give both together).  We recommend this supplement to help a variety of dogs from rescue animals to youngsters or even nervous show dogs.  Also consider Bach Flower Remedies to use alongside this range.


Valerian root


Scullcap herb

Chamomile flowers

Hawthorn tops

Marshmallow root

Meadowsweet herb

  • Add to the feed on a daily basis, where possible splitting the required amount between two feeds
  • A 2.5 ml scoop is included in the tub and full instructions will be found on the packaging
  • Introduce slowly if your dog has not had supplements before
  • Please allow up to a month for full benefits to be seen
  • In time, you may find the amount fed can be lowered
  • Animals are individuals, often a lower maintenance amount will be sufficient for long-term use

If you have any concerns about your animal's health, please contact your vet immediately.  If you have any queries about using this product, or if your animal is pregnant, please contact our Helpline 0800 052 3672 (Freephone) or email

I have been using Tranquility for my 4 yr old Collie for about a year now and it has made such a difference. I have owned her since she was a puppy and she would often get very soft stalls from eating something or just from a stressful situation like firework night. On occasions she would get so stressed she would lick her paws raw. From 2-3 weeks of feeding the herbs she started to consistently produce nice log poos and she also copes so much better with stressful situations. I was worried she wouldn't like the herbs but she very happily eats them up. Thank you Hilton Herbs

- P Regan, 20/02/2023

My rough haired collie Eva has a sensitive tummy and gets easily stressed. I have tried all sorts of foods and nothing had helped until I started giving her tranquility. Within a few days I started to notice a difference and her tummy has been far more settled since she has been on this. I missed a couple of days and her tummy troubles were back, the only change had been missing the Tranquility. I will now make sure she gets her Tranquility to keep her happy. Eva I now get a much better nights sleep too as she doesn't need to go out in the night anymore.

- Pat, 12/09/2022

I have been using this brilliant product for my nervous ex racing greyhound and a number of my foster Galgos... Always good results - thank you

- Katharine , 24/02/2020

As it says on the box. TRANQUILLITY. This super product has helped several of Our Dobermanns. THANK YOU Hilton Herbs.

- Martin Thompson, 16/07/2019

Our border collie is a very nervous dog. We give him tranquility on his food and he seems a lot calmer than he used to be.

- Rosemary Rice, 22/03/2019

I was recommended this product by a previous customer of yours. I am totally amazed at the transformation of our 13 year old fear aggressive spaniel. He is totally chilled around the other dogs on occasion even greeting them now rather than fearing them. Highly recommend.

- Caroline, 11/12/2017

Canine Tranquility has a made a huge difference in my girl's life. She has always been a bit nervous and stressed around people she doesn't know. I've been giving her the Canine Tranquility now for two years and have noticed a big change in her. She just seems more comfortable in her own skin and happier in general. I took her for a massage to someone new yesterday for the first time. She's never really enjoyed massages so hasn't had many. The masseuse actually commented on what a great temperament she has! She was content to let him massage her for an hour. Thank you so much for this excellent product! Her happiness means the world to me!

- Patti Wold, 28/10/2014

A miracle in a bag! My dog, a miniature labradoodle, has always been nervous and as he gets older it's getting worse......until I found Tranquility! All the drugs, sometimes costing as much as £150 a month, didn't touch him. As a last resort I found Hilton Herbs and gave it a go. My dog has been on this for 6 weeks and he is a different dog. He is calmer, less worried about strangers while out on a walk and to top it off is gaining weight as he's not worrying so much. I highly recommend this to anyone with an anxious dog.

- Sarah, 11/08/2014

We inherited a weimer when he was 5 he is now almost 9. He is deaf and came to us with a lot of anxiety issues. He had seperation anxiety and he twitched while sleeping. I bought the canine tranquility powder and started to put it on his food everyday. Within a week we noticed he was not having as much anxiety and was sleeping calmly. I ran out of the Tranquility and noticed his sleeping was not as calm. Needless to say I bought more and he is now sleeping calmly again. I highly recommend this product. Thank you!

- jenee holub, 30/08/2013

I wanted to take a minute to write to you about my dog Max. Max is a year and a half old mixed breed that we rescued as a puppy. Max has an extreme case of anxiety. We have worked with trainers, behaviorists,you name it. The beginning of July we were given a package of your Canine Tranquility from our favorite pet store. They know Max well and after 5 months he will finally take a treat out of their hand. Max used to walk into their store with me and would freeze in fear.He is definitely an extreme case! I started using the tranquility the beginning of July. It was tough to give it a fair assessment at first with the fireworks from the 4th of July but I did notice in a few weeks Max was noticeably calmer when going out. I have learned through some experimenting with the amount that Max does best with half in the morning and half at night. The difference in our dog is nothing short of miracle. My dog is finally acting like a dog. In fact, Max is laying here next to me sleeping peacefully :)

- Carrie Leighan, 30/08/2013

I recently took on a Lab Rescue 11 yr old lab bitch. She had become very distressed after her owner died. Tranquility Gold has been the most wonderful product. I have a much happier dog. A week without it when I ran out proved it's worth on starting it again. Hilton Herbs - you have come to our rescue again!

- Sally Long, 30/08/2013

I used Tranquility for many years for my very nervous and sensitive rescued collie. I was at my wits end with the dog as he was too scared to go out of the house. With Tranquility he was a new dog, able to romp the fields with his pals and we even managed to go to dog shows, working in obedience. Although he was never the bravest of dogs, the quality of his(and mine) life was improved immensely by this product. I would recommend Hilton Herbs to anyone. Great service and prompt delivery. Thanks

- Sheila Barclay, 30/08/2013

I have a rescue border collie who is fear aggressive. I started using canine tranquility about a year ago and he was certainly calmer and less reactive after a few weeks. He has been badly damaged emotionally by abuse before he came to live with me. I have tried to stop it twice but notice a quick change after a few days off the herbs. He reverts to being more aggressive and fearful. Consequently he has gone back on it and is a different dog in a couple of days.

- Cathy Hall, 30/10/2013

Consider adding these items

Recovery Remedy - 10ml

For Emergencies
Recovery Remedy - 10ml Pasteur Pipette
Prices from:£ 7.88

Digest Support

Optimum digestive health
Digest Support - 60g tub
Prices from:£ 11.39
(Average 5/5)

Tranquility Gold

Rapid absorption
Tranquility Gold - 500ml bottle
Prices from:£ 12.66
(Average 5/5)

Vital Daily Health

Optimum year-round health
Vital Daily Health - 60g Tub
Prices from:£ 9.82
(Average 5/5)

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