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Salt Block Holder - Fits all salt blocks

Virtually indestructible and very safe for all animals

Prices from: $ 12.00 Was $ 15.06 Save 20%

Hilton Herbs salt block holder

SKU Product Size Price Quantity
25999 1 Green $ 12.00
25995 1 Blue $ 12.00
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Virtually indestructible and very safe, the Hilton Herbs salt block holder, made to fit our Himalayan Salt horse lick block, is made from one-piece moulded plastic. This holder is resistant to chewing and it won't rust or corrode. The Hilton Herbs salt block holder features scooped sides and short wings for a snug fit. There are two holes for mounting with recessed screws (not included). Will also fit most 2" x 4" salt blocks.

These testimonials are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Testimonials are written by actual customers and represent their own observations. They are not edited. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other animals.

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