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Competition Horse Supplements

The PLUS products were formulated in accordance with the FEI's initiative for Clean Sport.  Each ingredient and final product has been screened for FCSs (feed contaminant substances) & HSPSs ( so-called herbal NOPS) to ensure the absence of these prohibited substances.

Showing 1 to 4 of 4

Hilton Herbs Equine Weigh-tape

A quick and easy way to know your horse or pony's weight
Prices from: $ 9.50

Calm & Collected PLUS

A pure liquid herbal blend for competition horses & ponies
Calm and Collected PLUS - 1.05pt Bottle
Prices from: $ 74.34

Easy Mare PLUS

Clearance 25% | A pure liquid herbal blend for competition horses & ponies
Vitex Angus castus - plant
Prices from: $ 55.75 Was $ 74.34 Save 25%

Multi-Flex PLUS

A pure liquid herbal blend
Devils Claw - plant
Prices from: $ 74.34

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