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Calm & Collected PLUS

A pure liquid herbal blend for competition horses & ponies

Prices from: $ 74.34

Ration Calculator

SKU Product Size Price Cost per day Days Quantity
71230 1.05 pts Bottle $ 74.34 $ Out of stock
71237 1.05 pts Bottle X 3 $ 211.86 $ Out of stock
71239 1.05 pts Bottle X 5 $ 327.10 $ Out of stock
To select quantities swipe left to right

Calm & Collected PLUS can help maintain:

  • Competition horses & ponies


  • Liquid herbal supplement which is more concentrated than Calm & Collected Gold and lasts a similar length of time.
  • The concentrated formulation also means that Calm & Collected PLUS is rapidly absorbed
  • 100% pure plant tinctures
  • 1.05pt bottle - easy to hold and handy for travelling 

The PLUS products were formulated in accordance with the FEI's initiative for Clean Sport.  We carefully monitor our PLUS range products to minimise the risk of contamination from naturally occurring prohibited substances found in feed, herbs, and other plants. Each batch of the final product is screened for FCSs (feed contaminant substances) & HSPSs ( so-called herbal NOPS) to test for the absence of these prohibited substances. For more information please refer to your sport's governing body or to the FEI Clean Sport website.

To see test results for the Calm & Collected PLUS click on the link below.

FCS (Feed Contaminant Substances)

Pure tinctures of:

  • Avena / Oat Seed
  • Lemon Balm
  • Marshmallow Root
  • Gotu Kola
  • Hawthorn
  • Shake well before each use
  • Add to regular feed, if possible split the daily quantity between two administrations. 
  • Full directions for use can be found on the back label
  • For full absorption allow 3-5 days

Calm & Collected PLUS has been independently tested free of common feed contaminants (FCS) and current naturally occurring herbal prohibited substances.

Whilst we take every care to ensure that our PLUS range is free from naturally occurring prohibited substances we would refer all riders/horse-owners to the FEI Clean Sport website or their own particular disciplines websites for up to date information on prohibited substances & more importantly the following legislation:

“As per the FEI Equine Anti-Doping & Controlled Medication Regulations, Article 2, 2.1.1 “It is each Person Responsible’s personal duty to ensure that no Banned Substance is present in the Horse’s body.”

These testimonials are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Testimonials are written by actual customers and represent their own observations. They are not edited. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other animals.

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