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Apple Cider Vinegar

Health Supplement for Horses, Farm Animals & Domestic Pets

(Average 5/5)
Prices from: $ 15.62

  • Rich Source of Minerals, Trace Elements Potassium, Phosphorus & Iron 

SKU Product Size Price Quantity
00752 2.1 pts $ 15.62
00753 6.3 pts $ 29.87 Out of stock
00754 10.5 pts $ 45.36
To select quantities swipe left to right


  • has a long tradition of use as a health supplement for horses, farm animals, and domestic pets
  • it provides a rich natural source of potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron and trace elements
  • our 'human grade' apple cider vinegar has a minimum acidity level of 5% and is made from the whole apple, not the pulp that is left over after the juice has been extracted!
  • our cider vinegar is not pasteurized and may contain what are termed 'mothers'.  These 'mothers' are formed during the fermentation process and are clusters of yeast and bacteria cells, also called 'vinegar mothers', which help to make the cider vinegar.  They are usually gelatinous in form but are perfectly normal and harmless.

Pure Unpasteurised Human-Grade Apple Cider Vinegar (Minimum 5% Acidity Containing "Mothers")

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR should be added to feed on a daily basis if possible splitting the required amount between the food given.

  • Horse: 30 ml - 50 ml
  • Pony: 15 ml - 30 ml
  • Dog: 2 ml - 5 ml (1ml = 20 drops)
  • Poultry: 5 ml per liter of drinking water with each water change.  This can be increased to 10 ml
  • Cattle: 5 ml per 50 Kg (110 lbs) bodyweight
  • Sheep & Goats: 5 ml to 10 ml
  • Animals are individuals so often a lower maintenance amount will be sufficient for long-term use
  • It has been recommended to us that approx 30 ml of Cider Vinegar can be put into the drinking trough, three or four times a week, using it in a homeopathic way

If you have any concerns about your animal's health please contact your veterinarian immediately.  If you have any queries about using this product, or if your animal is pregnant, please contact our Helpline 1 855 261 1289 (Toll-free) or email

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you can get hold of it read a great book called Folk Medicine, about Apple Cider Vinegar, written by D C & M D Jarvis. Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for centuries for humans and animals.
ur cider vinegar is not pasteurized and may contain what are termed 'mothers'.  These ' mothers' are formed during the fermentation process, they are clusters of yeast and bacteria cells, also called 'vinegar mothers', which help to make the cider vinegar.  They are usually gelatinous in form and are perfectly normal and harmless.

Here at Hilton Herbs our horses, hens, cows, and sheep all benefit from its health-giving properties. Add a teaspoonful to a glass of water for a refreshing drink.

Our Apple Cider Vinegar is made from the whole apple, so you get all the goodness of the fruit, rather than just the pulp left over after the juice has been extracted.

These testimonials are for informational purposes only. The information is not a substitute for expert veterinary care. Testimonials are written by actual customers and represent their own observations. They are not edited. These observations are not guaranteed, are not medically substantiated, and may not be typical for other animals.

Good quality product containing the important 'mother' - I use this as a supplement for my horse to support general health. Palatable and I was happy this was a available from Hilton Herbs so I was able to order it with my other supplements/ treats :)

- Chloe, 28/10/2022

I've used Hilton Herbs Apple Cider Vinegar for years for my horses, mainly to aid their mobility as they got older, but also for its other health benefits. If I say that my rescue thoroughbred was with me until he was 28 and my Arab X pony until he was 39, that speaks for itself. They both kept their mobility and thrived on Hilton Herbs, to whom I am very grateful.

- SUE, 16/04/2022

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