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20 May

Herbs and their benefits for the coat & skin

author image Hilary Self Hilary Self
Herbs and their benefits for the coat & skin image

Aloe Vera

Best part to use: Interior pulp of fresh leaves

Why is it good: Aloe Vera has a cleansing and healing effect to open wounds and cuts so if you animal is quite accident prone, Aloe Vera is a definite product to have in your tack room or at home. Aloe Vera also encourages the regrowth of skin and hair.

Fun fact about Aloe Vera: Most of Aloe Vera is transported around the world as a dry powder.  This is because aloe contains large quantities of water, which is expensive to transport, therefore, the aloe is dehydrated close to its site of cultivation and then reconstituted once it reaches its destination.

Brewer’s Yeast

Why is it good: Brewer’s Yeast contains several beneficial vitamins that are known to help maintain healthy skin and other factors. It contains B vitamins including B6 which is known for its ability to support hair and skin regrowth. Further to this, it also contains inositol vital for hair growth and to support production of cell membranes.

Fun fact about Brewer’s Yeast: Brewer's yeast is used as model organism in the laboratories around the world.


Best part to use: Oil distilled from the kernel

Why is it good: Coconut oil has a soothing and healing effect and is known to improve the condition of skin and hair. Coconut oil also reduces irritation and encourages the regrowth of skin and hair.

Fun fact about Coconut: The origin of the coconut has been lost to history. Coconuts are a prehistoric plant that scientists believe came from the South Pacific around what is now New Guinea.


Best part to use: Flower heads and petals

Why is it good: Calendula is a supreme herb for the skin traditionally used for burns, cuts, inflammation, bites, rashes and wounds. Containing high levels of nitrogen and vitamin A, Calendula can also be used internally to help support and strengthen the immune system.

Fun Fact about Calendula: Calendula, also known as marigold, is a genus of about 15–20 species of herbaceous plants in the daisy family Asteraceae and are native to southwestern Asia, Western Europe, Macaronesia, and the Mediterranean.


Best part to use: Aerial parts

Why is it good: Chickweed is one the finest herbs for the skin and has numerous actions. An infusion made from the aerial parts of the plant can be used externally it is great for cooling inflamed skin and helping to reduce irritations from insect bites and seasonal allergens.

Fun fact about Chickweed: Chickweed is known by the botanical name Stellaria media, which literally translates from Latin as "star in the midst."


Best part to use: Whole thallus

Why is it good: As well as containing generous levels of vitamins and minerals, Seaweed also contains high levels of calcium to help promote healthy skin, strong bones and teeth. Seaweed can also help to strengthen the depth of coat colour.

Fun Fact about Seaweed: Seaweed is one of the richest sources of minerals available. It contains iodine, sodium, manganese, sulphur, silicon, zinc and copper and is a source of Vitamin K as well. 

The herbs mentioned above are only just a few herbs that have amazing benefits on animal's coat & skin health. 

author image About Hilary Self Hilary Self

Hilary SelfHilary Self BSc.MNIMH. Hilary is a Medical Herbalist who writes about the practical application of herbs and natural healthcare for horses and pets.

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