How did it all begin?
The Hilton Herbs story began in 1990, with a horse called Ryan.
Ryan was suffering from an arthritic condition and wasn't really responding to veterinary treatment. His owners, Tony and Hilary Self, were also concerned about the possible consequences of the long-term use of pharmaceuticals to manage Ryan's condition.
So, Hilary threw herself into research and formulated a herbal supplement that would support Ryan using the power of nature. Hilary had created what eventually became our Hilton Herbs Multi-Flex blend, still a best-seller today.
With Devil's Claw root, Hawthorne tops and Milk Thistle seed doing their work, Ryan began to show an improvement and soon other owners on the livery yard were asking Hilary to formulate blends for their horses. Hilary realised this was the beginning of a new opportunity, and Hilton Herbs was born.
Cementing her expertise, Hilary took a BSc degree in Herbal Medicine. She has also written two books, A Modern Horse Herbal and the Veteran Horse Herbal.

Wo findet alles statt ?
Hilton Herbs befindet sich im Herzen von Somerset, wo eigens eine Produktionsstätte auf einem Bauernhof errichtet wurde. Diese wird im Rahmen kontrollierter europäischer (UFAS) und US-amerikanischer (NASC) Akkreditierungsprogramme betrieben.
Unser Produktionsprozess wurde so entwickelt, dass die Qualität der Zutaten an erster Stelle steht.
Nach ihrer Ankunft werden alle Rohzutaten in unseren eigens dafür gebauten Kühler gelegt und mindestens drei Wochen lang tiefgefroren. Dadurch werden alle Organismen, die während der Ernte in den Pflanzen verblieben sind, abgetötet, ohne dass Fungizide oder Pestizide eingesetzt werden müssen, wodurch die Integrität der Zutaten erhalten bleibt.
Die gefrorenen Kräuter durchlaufen dann einen Entfeuchtungsprozess und werden sicher gelagert, bis sie in einer unseren Mischungen verwendet werden.
Der Mischprozess findet in unserem dazu reservierten Reinraum statt und wird von unserem speziell ausgebildeten Produktionsteam durchgeführt.
What's next for Hilton Herbs?
After thirty years at the forefront of equine herbal care, Hilary and Tony have retired. While Hilary still consults on product development, the day-to-day operations of the company are now in the hands of the Hilton Herbs team, and under new management.
With new directors and a brand new look, Hilton Herbs will continue to lead the market in natural animal care. Some things, however, remain unchanged.
We'll keep making the same high-quality products that our customers know and love. We might even have some new ones to share with you soon!
Our customers and their animals will remain at the heart of everything we do. We're looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible as we get out and about at shows and events in 2025.
In the meantime, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and sign up to our mailing list. That way, you can find out about new products, catch up with our sponsored riders and learn more about the Hilton Herbs team.